In the past the majority of homeowners stayed with the same old familiar lender. Many property owners did not change their existing product for it’s full term, which meant that they remained with their existing provider for up to twenty five years.
This could potentially cost the homeowner thousands of pounds over the course of their property owning life, as there are so many mortgage deals available with so many interest rates etc. that small fortunes can be saved by moving from one lender to another. Now a days a lot of homeowners move from one lender to another as soon as their current deal expires. This is the point in the process when it pays to speak with an experienced mortgage broker. There are multiple types of remortgages available. A detailed description of each given by a professional will go a long way in helping you decide which type of remortgage suits your needs. We will work with you to check the terms and conditions of your existing mortgage. These will tell if you are tied-in to your mortgage deal or if there are any early repayment charges.